
Plenary Speakers

Invited Speakers

  • Alexandre Aubry, (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris, PSL University) - Active and Adaptive optics 
  • Ralf Bauer (University of Strathclyde) - Novel and super-resolution microscopy
  • Jens Biegert (ICFO, Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology) - Ultrafast and strong light-matter interactions
  • Paola Borri (Cardiff University) – Integrated photonics & photonic systems
  • Unė Būtaitė (University of Exeter) - Optical Trapping and Manipulation
  • Ulysse Chabaud (École Normale Supérieure - PSL, France) - Quantum Information and Foundations
  • Jan Christoph Thiele (University of Oxford) – Biophotonics
  • Krishna Coimbatore Balram (University of Bristol) - Optical Materials for Applications in Quantum Technology 
  • Kishan Dholakia (University of St Andrews) - Optical Group 125th Anniversary Session
  • Ken Grattan (City University of London) - Optical Group 125th Anniversary Session
  • Andreas Gritsch (Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics) - Quantum Communications
  • Domagoj Kos (UKAEA) – Optics and photonics in nuclear fusion
  • Lindsay LeBlanc (University of Alberta) - Quantum Optics 
  • Amy Jane MacLachlan (University of Strathclyde) - IR and THz photonic technology
  • Stuart McPherson - Optical Group 125th Anniversary Session
  • Bethan Nichol (Oxford University) - Quantum Metrology
  • Niels Madsen (Swansea University) - Quantum technologies for fundamental physics
  • Pola Goldberg Oppenheimer (University of Birmingham) – Medical applications of light
  • Rupert Oulton (Imperial College London) - Nonlinear Optics with Metasurfaces
  • Helen Parker (National Institute of Health, Washington, USA) - Medical applications of light 
  • Jonathan Pritchard (University of Strathclyde, UK) - Quantum Computation
  • Callum Littlejohns (University of Southampton) – Integrated photonics & photonic systems
  • Dave Rowe (University of Southampton) - Waveguide and fiber optic devices and sensors
  • Chris Rowlands (Imperial College London) - Novel and super-resolution microscopy
  • Luca Sapienza (University of Cambridge) – Nanophotonics & nanoscale quantum optics
  • Tom Siday (University of Birmingham) - Nonlinear photonics
  • Joe Smith (University of Bristol) – Nanophotonics & nanoscale quantum optics
  • Sang Soon Oh (Cardiff University) - Metamaterials and Plasmonics
  • Robert Thompson (Heriot-Watt University) – Waveguide and fiber optic devices and sensors
  • Sarah Thomas (Imperial College London) - Quantum dots, nanocrystals, and low dimensional materials
  • Michael Trupke (Austrian Academy of Sciences) - Quantum Optics
  • Kevin Weatherill (Durham University) - Quantum Metrology
  • Jon Willmott (University of Sheffield, PyrOptik Instruments) - Advances in optical metrology and measurements
  • Giacomo Valtolina (Fritz-Haber Institut, Max Planck Gesellschaft) - Quantum Optics
  • Ventsislav Valev (University of Bath) - Optical Group 125th Anniversary Session
  • Lei Xu (Nottingham Trent University) - Metamaterials and Plasmonics
  • Huabing Yin (University of Glasgow) – Biophotonics

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