Dr. Ulysse Chabaud
École Normale Supérieure de Paris

Ulysse Chabaud is a permanent researcher at École Normale Supérieure de Paris in the INRIA team QAT.

Before joining INRIA, he was a postdoctoral scholar at the Institute for Quantum Information and Matter at Caltech, and a postdoctoral fellow at the Institut de Recherche en Informatique Fondamentale in Paris. He obtained his PhD from Sorbonne Université in 2020.

His research interests cover various topics related to quantum information theory, such as quantum computing, quantum cryptography and quantum communication. He investigates the necessary resources for quantum advantages and how they translate to foundational questions, in the context of photonic quantum computational models in particular.

The stellar representation of quantum photonics

A wide variety of photonic quantum information processing tasks requires non-Gaussian quantum states, from entanglement distillation to universal quantum computing and quantum error-correction. Characterizing and understanding the properties of these states is therefore of major importance. 

In this talk, I will present the stellar representation, which is a recent phase-space formalism allowing to characterise non-Gaussian quantum states in photonic quantum information processing. The main quantity of interest in this context is the so-called stellar rank, which provides a measure of the non-Gaussian character of quantum states. I will explain its operational properties, how it can be used to assess state preparation and state conversion protocols in quantum photonics, how it can be measured experimentally and how it quantifies the computational usefulness of non-Gaussian quantum states.

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