Professor Jonathan Pritchard is an RAEng Senior Research Fellow and Head of the Experimental Quantum Optics and Photonics Group at Strathclyde. He is leading work developing neutral atom quantum computing, where through the EPSRC Prosperity Partnership SQuAre with M Squared Lasers, his team have developed the UK’s first scalable platform for neutral atom quantum computing, including developing new protocols for high fidelity multi-qubit gates, non-destructive readout and performing classical optimisation of weighted graphs. As part of a new RAEng Fellowship his team are now working to explore routes to fault-tolerant quantum computing by developing a cryogenic dual-species platform for implementing quantum error correction.
Qubit Arrays for Quantum Computation and Optimisation
Neutral atoms have emerged as a powerful and scalable platform for quantum computing, offering the ability to generate large numbers of identical and high quality qubits in reconfigurable arrays. By coupling atoms to highly excited Rydberg states with strong, long-range dipole-dipole interactions it is possible to perform high-fidelity two and multi-qubit gate operations, or to natively implement classical graph optimisation problems, highlighting the versatility for performing both analogue and digital quantum computing. In this talk we will present work at Strathclyde focused on developing large-scale system for quantum computing and optimisation, including demonstration of high fidelity single qubit gate operations on up to 225 qubits with errors below the threshold for fault tolerance using a non-destructive readout technique, as well as initial results from performing weighted graph optimisation using programmable local light-shifts across the atom array. This provides a route to embedding a wider class of problems including quadratic unconstrained binary optimisation (QuBO) and integer factorisation. Further, we will introduce a new project focused on creating dual-species atom arrays in a cryogenic environment to enable cross-talk free mid-circuit measurement for implementing quantum error correction as a route to fault-tolerant quantum hardware.
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